Friday 20 November 2015

True Relationship

We all deal in different relationships in our lives. Relationships are about learning, growth and connection, beginning with our first relationships with our parents. Most important relationship is that of husband & wife . This relationship always have bond in the form of  companionship, intimacy. Before getting marital relationship to know what is relationship? ... understand the meaning, exactly what we do want from each other and how do we try to keep happy, healthy relationship to make prefect. Relations are based on trust & love where, we have to sacrifice some of things to make tied. Many times conflict & misunderstanding happen and the relation becomes movable and slowly the trust & love also shows failure results...Conflict make relationship more deeper and from small things beautiful relation also breaks.

Sometimes, relationships are so delicate that goes from our hand & we never comes to know... if we take it positively, understand & heal them properly in proper time it would always remain lifelong with us. Show your partner that how much you love, care, understand each other needs. Doing conflict not good or make sure & say to yourself whether your making right or wrong. Expectation arises from life partner its, naturally and we expect from loved one’s. Relationship are based on love, feeling & caring of each other whether its marital relations or your loving and getting in to new relationships, where you both have to stay together and make your dreams brighter and stay happily with each other. To break relationship its very easy but to build it again takes time. So, respect your relationship and make it beautiful....!!!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Purpose of Writing

 Purpose of writing...the first question always raise in our mind why am I writing? What is my goal or purpose of writing? It’s important to know why you’re writing. You immediate purpose may be to complete an assignment or good grade. Purpose of writing is to communicate to a particular audience. To communicate successfully to understanding your purpose for writing will make you a better writer. Before writing normally  we think of multiple things like narration of short stories, poems & drama etc. In many ways it is easiest kind of writing it comes naturally. Mostly when you use the words... you paint more than what you see, but also when you feel, hear, smell & taste it gives you ideas of description to make the things described seems real to your reader’s imagination. Mostly we have observed Author’s write for many different reasons...those reasons are called the “author’s purpose”. The writing process is normally aided by sense of pressure. Your writing should be more expressive where you put your goals, thoughts & feelings. Writing to inform is one of the most common purpose of writing. Your writing should be expository writing where all information gather facts & combine them his or her own knowledge, experience & clarity. In your writing you have to show enthusiasm to reader’s but also persuade them. Show your ability, strength in your writing it expose developing wide spectrum of writing modes or purpose.

Monday 24 August 2015

Varanasi Place of Spiritual

Varanasi  the city of pilgrimage and  spirituality . Its blessed with river ganga and even many saints and sadhus visit and reside in this holy city. I just had an opportunity to visit Varanasi. The very first day i  couldn’t miss the   opportunity to visit the divine ganga at around 6.30am. The sparkling sun with its reflection in ganga was breath taking . I couldn’t  take my eyes off. Some would offer food to birds in seconds flock of pigeons would feast on the food. There are many ghats and each ghat has a name. There are around 52 ghats. In the evening all people including foreigners gather for ganga arti all boats were full of people who had come for arti, its an amazing experience.